Trailing Arm Repair Kit - Set-Up
Download the “Installation Tip” pdf for use with Inserts
Download the “Installation Tip” pdf for use without Inserts
Please remember to store the Drill & Tap inserts with
a thin coating of oil or grease to keep them from rusting
The biggest job before using the jig will be the removal of your axles, so follow the Haynes or Bentley manual for the process to accomplish this. Depending on your car, you may not have to drain your brake fluid. On a TR6, you can remove the brake back plate from the hub with the brake lines attached.
Detach the e-brake and the brake line from the TA and you can rest it on the hub.
Once you have the axles out and the brake back plate removed, you can test fit the jig plate and then clean up the TA hub face.
A wire brush cleans the face easily.
It will be a tight fit…….but it will fit.
Two studs out and one to go.
Measure the hole depth.
Transfer to the drill and mark a stop point.
Using the drill insert jig – Hold tight!
All that’s left now is to tap the holes, remove the plate, screw in the inserts, remount the plate and do the other three studs.
Now you use the Tap insert jig.
These studs will never strip now.
A perfect fit for the brakes and the axle hub.
Now remount your brakes and axles and tighten the nuts to the manufacturer’s specifications.
A complete photo walk-through of an actual customer’s installation can be seen here: and here
Now that you see how easy this is to do, here’s where you can order one.