News, October 2004
TBI FAQ page added
For frequently asked questions about throttle body injection see FAQ
News, September 2004
Throttle Body Injection is up and running beautifully!!!!
I can’t begin to tell you how pleased I am with the results.
Conversion of a stock 1971 TR6 with Zenith Stromberg side draft carbs to affordable throttle body fuel injection is now a reality. The system functions beautifully! Smooth modern engine management with dependability, economy and a modest performance gain in a system that looks so close to stock that few will notice. How many can reach in, turn the key, and have a smooth running car that can be driven away immediately without messing with a choke or waiting for warm up? Fuel mileage in the 28 to 29 mile per gallon range?
Our test run was a five hour drive to the British Invasion car show in Stowe, Vermont. Imagine a five hour ride on a system installed just one day earlier? The trip was a breeze and the car performed better than new. Special thanks to Aaron Cropley for letting me use his prized 71 TR6 as a guinea pig.
Together with CustomEFIS we will offer this set up in kit form. Details and pricing are not yet determined however we will strive to make the installation both simple and affordable.
For more TBI details and pictures see September 04
On going Multiport Fuel Injection on a 75 TR6
The multiport injection system is still running strong although the engine is really beginning to show it’s age. With nearly 100K miles on the original 1975 engine compression is uneven and there is a tell tale puff of blue smoke on deceleration. The unfortunate folks following me to Stowe, Vermont this past weekend all reported blue smoke. A spare engine will be rebuilt over the winter with performance in mind. Expect an altered compression ratio, porting, polishing, lightening, balancing, supercharger, and a camshaft.
The supercharger purchased earlier, an Eaton M90, has been sold as it was physically too large for the installation. I have my eye on a Mercedes C230 supercharger with a much smaller physical size and an electric fan clutch.
As the weather cools here in Maine some attention needs to be placed on the cold start and warm up settings for the injection system. Unlike the TBI system this car doesn’t start by simply touching the key. Time to spend some time adjusting the enrichment, trouble is you only get to try out the changes once a day when the engine is cold.
A new tuning aid has just been purchased, the AEM fuel/air ratio meter utilizing a wide band O2 sensor. The sensor has been used on both the TBI and MPI cars with great results. Tuning just got a lot easier. On the TBI system we used the meter to ensure that the engine wouldn’t be damaged by a lean condition. The meter is now installed in the dash of the MPI car and is supplying the TEC3 computer information. Already improvements in idle and acceleration enrichments have been made.
Here are a couple of photos of the engine with the fuel injectors relocated next to the head and a photo showing details of the remodeled intake.