My 1975 Triumph TR6
We have owned this Delft blue 1975 Triumph since November 1986. Delft is roughly the background blue color of this page (for some reason the site photos make the car look much lighter than it really is). For the past 15 years this car has been absolutely dependable…
Engine Build
Here we are in 2005 and it’s finally engine rebuild time. The original 1975 straight six now shows over 80K on the speedo and makes that tell tale puff of blue smoke when shifted hard. In fact the odometer didn’t work for several years so the mileage is probably closer to 100K…

Electronic Fuel Injection Conversion
Through out this site there are various references to my planned fuel injection conversion. For instance look at the Engine link to see details about the intake manifold fabrication. It is now August of 2003 and the conversion is fully underway. Actually a bit under the gun to get it installed and sorted out in time to make the five hour drive to the The British Invasion in Stowe Vt. next month.
Fan Eliminator Kit
Converting a Triumph TR6 from a mechanical cooling fan to an electrical fan is just about the perfect first upgrade. Benefits include improved cooling, horsepower savings, slight savings in fuel consumption. Some say the original plastic crankshaft driven fan robs about six horsepower. Removal of the original fan set up allows an electric fan to be mounted behind the radiator…

Supercharged TR6
It’s now December 2005 and, forced by the Maine winter, the car is away until April of 2006. This year my sister Jo and her husband John have graciously allowed me to store the TR6 at their new home. Thanks guys…
Throttle body Injection
The tbi project is coming along, slowly at first but now gaining speed. Generally speaking it is a tbi system based on the GM throttle body style injection as used on the 2.8 V6. The system is common to mid sized 80’s cars and small trucks using two injectors. It is very simple reliable system that will use much of the original Triumph hardware…

Intercooled TR6
Finding an intercooler that would fit in the narrow confines of a TR6 has taken some time. I’ve searched sites and monitored ebay all winter. Finally on ebay appeared an intercooler listed for a Civic or Integra. It handles up to 500Hp and measures 18″ wide, 12″ tall , three inches thick and has 2.5″ ports…
Finding an intercooler that would fit in the narrow confines of a TR6 has taken some time. I’ve searched sites and monitored ebay all winter. Finally on ebay appeared an intercooler listed for a Civic or Integra. It handles up to 500Hp and measures 18″ wide, 12″ tall , three inches thick and has 2.5″ ports…